Lecture 8 - Our Specification Of Binary Tree - Details

3.2. Our Specification Of Binary Tree - Details

Let us now look at the details of the specification of the abstract type Binary Tree.


a binary tree is either empty, or it consists of a component value, and optional left and right subtrees (binary).
Note: a subtree exists only if it is not empty.
I use the phrases ``empty subtree'' and ``no subtree'' interchangeably, they mean exactly the same thing. I normally do not draw empty subtrees when I draw a tree (likewise ``subtree is empty'' means exactly the same thing as ``subtree does not exist'').

Direction (related type)

A direction will be used to describe the relationship between two trees or subtrees - Left and Right refer to the subtrees of a tree, Up refers to a subtree's parent.

Core Operations

Notational Conventions: T, T1, T2 are binary trees, V a component value, D a direction.

The basic creation operations are the usual ones - CREATE_EMPTY and DESTROY - plus one new one: CREATE_SINGLETON which, as discussed above, obviates the need for an INSERT operation.

IS_EMPTY is self-evident.

GET_ROOTVALUE does just what its name says; it is the counterpart of the GET_VALUE operation we had for lists.

The counterpart of the list operations MOVE_FORWARD and MOVE_BACKWARD is:

This is the way we move around in a tree ... we move `down' (or `forward') by getting successive subtrees and we move `up' by getting parent trees. For example, suppose T1 was:

T2 = get_tree(T1,Left) would result in:
T2 is a subtree of T1. If we now did T2 = get_tree(T2,Left) we'd get:
T2 = get_tree(T2,Up) would return us to the previous picture.
Note: The precondition that subtrees must exist... this means that GET_TREE never ever returns an empty tree. To check this precondition we use EXISTS.

In other words: This function should always returns false if T is empty. Why?

Answer: Because (1) empty trees have no subtrees, and (2) an empty tree can never be a subtree because empty subtrees do not exist - recall the preconditions for GET_TREE.

Example of these operations working together (traversal)

        void in_order_traverse(binary_tree *t, void (*f) (element))
          if (! is_empty(t)) {
            if (exists(t,Left)) in_order_traverse(get_tree(t,Left),f);
            if (exists(t,Right)) in_order_traverse(get_tree(t,Right),f);
Although this may seem a peculiar function, it is surprisingly useful. It is absolutely essential for doing non-recursive tree traversal, and many other applications.

For example:
JOIN(T1,T2,Left) satisfies all the preconditions and produces:
The two preconditions that require explanation are:

This is the exact inverse of JOIN. If we continue with the above example, and now do PRUNE(T2) the result is what we started with:
Note that the tree that T is a subtree of is not a parameter. We do not have a DELETE operation: we can achieve the same effect as DELETE(T) by the combination: PRUNE(T) and DESTROY(T).